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King running in the new 4th District

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Letter just received from Cong. Steve King…the Editor


Dear Friends: 

Since 2002, I have had the privilege to represent the 32 counties of Iowa’s Fifth Congressional District in Congress. Over the past eight years I have visited all 286 towns while meeting with constituents. We have built meaningful relationships with individuals, businesses, and community leaders, and I am very proud of the accomplishments of the communities I represent.

I have long said there is not a single county in the current Fifth District that I would want to ‘give up.’ However, the new map that will dictate Iowa’s representation in Congress for the next decade places my Sac County home in the new Fourth Congressional District. As such, I will be seeking re-election to the House as the representative of the new Fourth District. Having represented nearly half of the new Fourth District since 2002, I look forward to continuing to represent the interests of northwest Iowa in Congress, and I am looking forward to building new relationships in new communities across north central Iowa.

 My residence in Sac County left me little choice in what District I would seek to represent beginning in 2013, but I am pleased that the residents of the southern part of my current district will have the opportunity to choose Tom Latham as their representative in Congress.

 Our state and nation are facing historic challenges. With the size and scope of the federal government growing at an alarming rate, and with debt and deficits reaching unprecedented levels, it is more important than ever that Iowans send principled, courageous conservatives to Washington, DC to fight for their interests. It has been a privilege for me to serve alongside Congressmen Latham in the House, and I am confident the residents of the new Fourth and Third districts will see fit to return us to Congress in 2012 to continue our work on their behalf.

 Until January 2013, I plan to continue serving each of the constituents of my current district from Minnesota to Missouri. We have a tremendous amount of work to do together and I look forward to continuing to represent western Iowa in Congress.


 Steve King

Written by Tom Rosenbaum

April 15, 2011 at 11:48 am

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